įramót, smįraót, óramįt...


that time of the year again!

yeaps, it“s that time when you think: why did I put on that weight again after finally loosing some? Why did I spend so much money...why did I not save that money..how many blades can you have in a razor.., is it really better to have 3 blades than just the good old 1?


anyways...had a great year really...one of the highlights was obviously me moving back to the "sker",  another one"buying" a flat and then "owning" a car that had the same colour as a lobster soup (or kokkteilsósa!) and after that one broke down owning a car that matched the colour of the uniform I wore every day (without exception) for 4,5 month (dark green by the way!)..... and then my travels: to Iceland in Jan for job interview, my trip to London for Kerry“s wedding (and to see THE MAN and to pack our stuff!), my second trip to England during my holiday in october with Robert, and then of course the adventure trip to Germany...and well...breidalsvķk was quite nice as well!! ha ha

Work wise it“s been mad - mad - mad...and that is truly the reason I have not been in touch every other day...just did not have the time!

another question, why english??? no bloody idea...just felt like writing in english all of the sudden! it happens!

anyways...wish you all loads of  happiness and even more "good stuff" in the year to come my friends! :)

glešilegt nżtt įr

and of course..thanks for all the good times (although short) in 2007 and hope to have many more in the year to come....








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1 identicon

Hę sęta

glešilegt įr og frįbęrt nżtt įr. Žaš vęri nś góš hugmynd aš žiš kęmuš ķ óvissuferš til DK. Alltaf nóg aš gera hér hjį baununum.

Allavega, ég verš nś alltaf bara žunglynd um įramót. Svo žaš er bara spurning um aš lifa žetta af! 'Aramótaheitin hljóta aš vera aš léttast, meika žaš ķ vinnunni og eignast fullt af börnum. hehehe (ekki endilega mannabörnum), höfum stašiš okkur vel ķ kettlingum og öšrum fjórfętlingum!



Ragnhildur (IP-tala skrįš) 29.12.2007 kl. 18:40

2 identicon

Jį heldur betur margt bśiš aš gerast hjį žér į žessu įri.  Vonandi veršur nęsta įr ykkur Bob jafn gott og jį kannski ašeins minni vinna hjį žér elskan mķn. 

Koktelsósan var jś flott.

Vona aš žiš Bob hafi žaš gott um įramótin.

Risa bombu knśs į ykkur

Vigga (IP-tala skrįš) 31.12.2007 kl. 00:21

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.

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All and Nothing


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I recommend:

  • Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials Trilogy
    Great books! If you haven“t read them - your life is missing a great experince!



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